Thursday, September 21, 2017

What ancient cvilizations said about the Moon

Bright Insight, July 14, 2017; David Icke; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Buddha used the ancient lunar observance day system of "sabbath" days: uposatha
What did ancient human civilizations have to say about our moon?

The Moon is not what we think it is
Bright Insight
Ancient human civilizations across continents throughout the world speak of the time BEFORE the Moon arrived.

With it came our ocean tides, seasons, and conditions for an abundance of life to thrive.
WQ: Rahu, not moon, causes solar eclipses.
However, there is ample evidence that significant information regarding our Moon and the Apollo landings have been withheld from the public.

In fact, the "Moon Express" mining operation being planned raises questions about all of this as well. Research by David Icke states many baffling things about our moon, Luna or Chandra. Who can say if Icke (pronounced ike) is right about all of his assertions, but it is enough to know that we do not know.

(David Icke, May 22, 2016) The Moon is not what you think it is -- The Moon Matrix. What is the Moon? Icke's new book now available here:
Buddhist cosmology: 31 Planes of Existence
Cātu-mahā-rājika deva loka (Tibetan rgyal chen bzhi, Japanese 四大王衆天 Shidaiōshu-ten) or "The world of the Four Great [Space] Kings" is found on the lower slopes of Mt. Sumeru, though some of its inhabitants live in the air/space around this axis mundi or axial "world mountain" thought in Tibet to be Mt. Kailash. Its rulers are the four great kings named: Virūḍhaka, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Virūpākṣa, and their leader Vaiśravaṇa. The devas who guide the Sun and Moon are also part of this world... More
David Icke: Who built the Moon?
The Lion Sleeps No More, Jan. 22, 2017 live presentation

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