Thursday, October 5, 2017

Europe: eager men "rape" SEX ROBOT (video)

Sara Malm (, 9/27/17): Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Robotic voice: "OH, that feels so good, big or credit card?" (MailOnline)

"Interactive" female robotic sex doll breaks down after huge number of white male customers "try it out" (rape, molest, assault, damage) her at Austrian electronics fair in Europe.
  • Samantha is a £3,375 sex robot on display at fest in Austria.
  • Interactive sex doll reacts to touch, responds when spoken to.
  • Overexcited visitors at fair left robot "heavily soiled," broken.
  • Creators say fair visitors treated the doll "like barbarians."
Is she conscious? - I hope not. Hold her.
The £3,000 sex robot -- the star attraction at a big electronics fair in Austria this month -- has broken down after a large number of visitors got overexcited, carried away, and quite rapey.
Samantha the Sex Doll had been showing off her "skills," which include reacting to touch, hugging and moaning -- and remembering individuals she has "interacted" with, at the Arts Electronica Festival in Linz.
Males overexcited about Tay
However, Samantha's creators have now been forced to send her to be repaired, after visitors left the robot "heavily soiled" [and in need of a test kit] with broken limbs. More (comments) 

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