Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Pilgrimage: Walking Water, Los Angeles

Rachel Hope (walking-water.org), Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

The current and emerging critical issues of water worldwide and specifically in California will best be resolved through collective thinking, organizing, and collaborating.

Walking Water will convene and catalyze regional and global partners to highlight and contribute possible “solutions” to both the local and global situation of water.
Walking Water is an invitation, an action, an educational journey and a prayer intended to bring together the voices of the many peoples of the Eastern Sierra and Los Angeles watersheds through the act of walking together -- through a pilgrimage that follows the waterways, natural and manmade, between Mono Lake and Los Angeles.

It includes the way of the circle, the practice of deep listening and speaking that contributes to community building. We share old and new stories to heal differences and conflict.
In complement, as part of the pilgrimage, the project includes a combination of Internet presence and on-the-ground events, presentations, relevant films, and dialogues along the way.
Through associated events, like council, this project will catalyze storytelling, knowledge sharing, and the discovery of new possible directions and solutions for the future of water.

It is a kind of acupuncture, a local action that will ripple through the larger body of the place, the people, the country, and the world. More

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