Monday, October 9, 2017

Slutever: "Mormon War on PORN" (video)

VICE, Slutever (S1, E5); Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
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Mormons are clean-cut all-American ETs.
Utah has started a war against pornography. In 2016, Utah became the first state to officially declare porn a public health crisis.

The claims are that porn has a  "detrimental" effect on brain function, contributes to "emotional and medical illnesses," and gives rise to "deviant sexual arousal."

But with the mainstream science being murky at best, is this just Mormon morality infiltrating Utah legislation?

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Porn is obviously a polarizing topic. [Which side are you on?" asks the Mormon maker of South Park.]

The LDS Church (Church of Latter Day Saints or "Mormons") perpetuate the belief that porn addiction is a "plague like we have never seen."

However, the psychiatric community does not even recognize "porn addiction" as a clinical diagnosis. So is porn actually contaminating our brains, or is this symbolic porn ban just a way of shaming Utah residents for their sexual desires?

Having sprung out of this patriarchal repression, the pornography site, founded by a lapsed Mormon (lesbian pornographer "Brooke" in this documentary), directly plays on LDS-inspired sexual oppression for the sake of titillation -- illustrating the ultimate backlash against suppressed sexual desires.

Utah used to be great until aliens invaded.
In this episode of Slutever, Host Karley travels to Utah to investigate the complicated, illicit, and shamefully sexy world of porn in Utah.

Karley speaks to members of Mormon Church and other porn-haters at Utah's annual anti-porn convention.

She also spends some quality time with the erotically "liberated" resistance.

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