Tuesday, November 14, 2017

11 Advantages of Loving Kindness (sutra)

Ven. Piyadassi Thera (trans.), Metta (Mettanisamsa) Sutra,* "The Discourse on the Advantages of Loving-Kindness" (AN 11.16); Amber Larson, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I love myself and everyone with boundless metta/loving-kindness. I practice and practice.
Thus have I heard: On one occasion the Blessed One [the Buddha] was living near Savatthi at Jetavana in [the Buddhist multi-millionaire] Anathapindika's monastery.

Then he addressed the local monastics saying, "Medtitators."

"Venerable sir," they replied.

The Blessed One then said: "Meditators, 11 advantages are to be expected from the heart's release (deliverance) by learning loving-kindness (metta), by the cultivation of loving-kindness, by constantly increasing these thoughts, by regarding loving-kindness as a vehicle (to liberation), and also as something to be highly treasured, by living in line with these thoughts, by putting these ideas into practice [to the point of absorption], and by firmly establishing them. What are the 11?
  1. "One sleeps undisturbed.
  2. One awakes in comfort.
  3. One sees no evil dreams.
  4. One is dear to human beings.
  5. One is dear to non-human beings.
  6. Devas (the angelic "shining ones") protect one.
  7. Fire, poison, and sword cannot touch one.
  8. One's mind can concentrate quickly.
  9. One's countenance is serene.
  10. One dies free of confusion [which is supremely valuable to a fortunate rebirth].
  11. If one fails to attain full enlightenment (arhatship) here and now in this very life, one is reborn in the brahma-world.
Reflecting on impermanence is also very useful.
"These 11 advantages, meditators, are to be expected from the release of heart by familiarizing oneself with thoughts of loving-kindness, by cultivation of loving-kindness, by constantly increasing these thoughts, by regarding loving-kindness as a vehicle, and also as something to be highly treasured, by living in line with these thoughts, by putting these ideas into practice, and by firmly establishing them."
This is what the Blessed One said, and the meditators rejoiced.
  • *BJT: Mettanisamsa Sutta. Thai, Burmese, and PTS editions: Metta Sutta
  • See also Iti 27

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