Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Lots of things move faster than light (video)

Science Channel; Princeton.edu; Nate Wilcocks, UC Berkeley; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

Nate, can anything move faster than the speed of light?
No, Hedgehog, nothing can move faster than the speed of light. Let me show you with this simple algebraic equation....

Uh, never mind about all that, Nate! Here's the thing, How much faster than light would it have to travel for you to agree that something can exceed light speed?

Any amount.

For example, if Lightspeed + 1 mile per hour were achieved, we would know that it had gone faster?
I say information can certainly travel faster. How much sooner than expected does the information need to arrive for you to agree that the speed of light was exceeded?

Any amount.

Aha! Got you! If I receive information sooner than it was sent, that would certainly be faster than light speed? But it can't get here that fast, right?


Let's say we expect it to take 1 hour. We will have the information in 1 hour. What if I get it sooner?

That would be faster. But why would we expect it to take an hour?

Because we'll do the experiment -- that is, create the information -- in one hour. It can't get to us any sooner than that. But what if I do get it sooner?


But is that faster than the speed of light?

It's nonsense!

No, you said any amount faster. And negative amounts are faster than Lightspeed + 1 MPH. Tests at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab have already confirmed that information is arriving before being randomly generated. The results are in before being test, before the random event generator has been turned on. So that surely is faster than lightspeed. And now these "galaxies" in the video above. The "speed of light limit" is a farce, wrong, mistaken, short sighted, or maybe Newtonian true but not Quantum true. Sorry, Einstein. Talk to Tesla if you don't like it.

See, Nate, and you said there was no value in thought experiments.

I want to see the the Princeton data.

Watch it and weep, my friend. And consider the implications of your shortsightedness, because Eastern spirituality has trumped your biased, assumption-laden Western "science" again:
Scientific study of consciousness-related physical phenomena
The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program, which flourished for nearly three decades under the aegis of Princeton University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, has completed its experimental agenda.

It was studying the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes and developing complementary theoretical models to enable a better understanding of the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality.
PEAR has now incorporated its present and future operations into the broader venue of the ICRL, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit research organization, in addition to Psyleron -- a company that provides Random Event Generator devices to enable the continued exploration of PEAR’s findings by the general public and research communities.

In this new locus and era, PEAR plans to expand its archiving, outreach, education... More

Time warp? Flight lands 35 years late with 92 skeletons
(Twilight Zone/helenastales.weebly.com)

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