Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Past life on Mars: man remembers (video)

Daily Mail, coasttocoastam.com; BD; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Death on Mars (Brandenberg)
Boriska, a young male in Russia, has become a sensation thanks to his claims that he can recall living on Mars in a past life.
Boriska Kipriyanovich initially stunned doctors and experts when he was only 2-years-old and purportedly possessed the ability to read and write. 
However, his story became even more fantastic as the boy began to grow older and started sharing stunning details about what he says was a past life on Mars as well as knowledge of the solar system that he had never been taught in school. 

Earth is not the only place with pyramids.
According to Kipriyanovich, his previous rebirth had been that of an interstellar pilot who lived on Mars during tumultuous times towards the end of civilization on the Red Planet.

The remaining Martians, he says, were forced to retreat underground due to a nuclear war with the hopes of someday rebuilding their world.
Somewhere along the way, Kipriyanovich's Martian life passed away and then reemerged by way of the Russian child who could somehow remember his previous experiences.

There's a hall of records under the paw.
Beyond life on Mars, the young man, now aged 20, alleges that there is some kind of hidden message contained within the Great Sphinx [next to Cairo, which means "Mars"] but that it is locked away and unable to be seen at this time.

Should humanity be able to solve the riddle of the ancient monument, Kipriyanovich declares, it will be an Earth-shattering moment which will profoundly change our very existence on this planet. 

Caves on Mars, where beings live below
Alas, however, Kipriyanovich in unable to articulate the precise mechanism by which the Sphinx can be opened, only that there is a "switch" of sorts contained in the paw of the statue.

Whether we'll ever be able to access this secret part of the Sphinx remains to be seen as does the veracity of Kipriyanovich's tale as a whole, because skeptics insist that he has fabricated the reincarnation saga. Source: Daily Mail

Rebirth in Buddhism
Punabhava means "rebirth" or "re-becoming." (There is no being, only becoming). Patisandhi literally means "relinking," reunion, or re-arising. It is one of the 14 functions of consciousness.

It is karmic-resultant consciousness that arises at the moment of conception, that is, with the forming of new life in the mother's womb or spontaneously without parents.

Immediately afterwards it sinks into the subconscious stream of existence (bhavanga sota). Conditioned thereby, again and again corresponding states of sub-consciousness arise. So it is really rebirth-consciousness that determines the latent character of a person.
"Neither has this (rebirth-) consciousness transmigrated from the previous existence to this present existence, nor did it arise without such conditions as karma, karma-formations, propensity, object, and so on (see the Abhidharma for details).

Karma. It's everywhere you're going to be.
That this consciousness has not come from the previous existence (past life) to the present existence (present life), yet that it has come into existence by means of conditions included in the previous existence, such as karma and so on -- this fact can be illustrated by various examples.

For example, the echo, the light of a lamp, the impression of a seal, or the image produced by a mirror -- all of these travel without going from one place to another.

Humanoid or statue on Mars (NASA)
For just as the resounding of the echo is conditioned by a sound and so on and nowhere has a transmigration of sound taken place, so it is with consciousness. Further it is said, "in this continuous process, no sameness and no otherness can be found."

For if there were full identity (between the different stages of a thing), then milk could never turn into curd. And if there were a complete otherness, then curd could never come from milk....

If in a continuity of existence any karma-result takes place, then this karma-result neither belongs to any other being nor does it come from any other (karma), because absolute sameness and otherness are excluded here" (Vis, XVII 164ff). More

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