Friday, December 8, 2017

Learning a Mantra for Meditation (meeting)

Ananda M., Jen (Dharma Meditation Initiative, L.A.), Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
Pasa Dharma Buddhist Meditation in Pasadena, FREE, Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 PM
On Dec. 7th ("Secrets of Buddhist Meditation") we learned about karma (kamma), the three roots of all skillful actions, and the roots of all unskillful actions.

The question is, If unconscious motives keep leading us to suffering, what is the solution?
The Buddha taught three powerful things to counteract bad karma and bring about the end of all suffering in this very life:
  1. virtue (sila)
  2. coherence (samadhi)
  3. wisdom (prajna)
These three secrets were revealed and explained, and we learned a technique for getting into a deep meditative state right now, no matter what.
On Dec. 14th we'll do Neptune's yoga, mantra*, mindful walking, and a special practice of letting go -- forgiving ourselves and others -- to deepen our meditative states.
  • *SPECIAL ACTIVITY: How to use a Sanskrit mantra to clear the mind and touch deep serenity and bliss. To learn this mantra in advance, listen to Alan Watts' latest Sunday morning show (Dec. 3rd, 2017, 8:00-8:30 AM) free at
  • FREE/by donation. Vegan refreshments served.
Our Thursday night meditation practice sessions are for full-body physical and spiritual experiences in our pyramid-assisted amethyst and quartz crystal circle.

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