Friday, December 22, 2017

SHAMAN Claus: shamanic origins of Christmas

Matt Toussaint (; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Siberian shamanic activity to communicate with the spirits (
Shaman brings portion of magic mushroom harvest, climbs in chimney at top of yurt, and we dry them in stockings above fireplace to make them more potent and palatable (WQ/SE).
Shamanic origins: red and white wrapped "gifts" found overnight under the evergreen tree.
Nice St. Nick and mean Nick Krampus! (W)
Ever wonder why modern Christmas traditions are what they are and why we do the things we do?
What is the origin of the Christmas tree with a star on top? What are the decorations about with all those red and white presents wrapped beneath?

Who in the H is this guy Santa Claus who jets around the whole of the earth on a magic sleigh with flying reindeer -- which defies both space and time -- to deliver the world a bounty of Xmas gifts?

Get these gawd dam lights off me!
It sure is NOT Jesus, who was never the "reason for the season." Since when did Santa and the birth of Jesus have anything to do with each other?

Where do these stories come from? Better yet, what are we actually celebrating on Christmas morning? There are answers to these questions.
Reindeer really prance as if in flight (SE).
And the history is not so farfetched or even that hidden. One just has to know where to look. The first place we look is the North Pole. Yes, really, in ancient Siberia, near the top of the world.

The story of Santa and his likely origins begins where he supposedly lives: the frigid North.

...all the way from Siberia
In this wintry wonderland if one goes searching for Santa, one may not find him or his fabled Elvin factory. But one will find groups of indigenous people native to Siberia.
Among these cultures are the northern Tungusic people, known as the Evenki. They were predominantly hunter-gatherers as well as reindeer herders. Their survival depended largely on the health and vitality of their domesticated reindeer.

The real Santa is based on a Siberian shaman.
Reindeer provided the Evenki and other northern tribes with everything from clothing, housing material, wares, and tools from the bones and antlers, transportation (yes, Evenki ride reindeer), milk, as well as cultural and religious inspiration.
The Shamanic (Buddhist Shramanic) Way
The Evenki were also a shamanic culture. The word “shaman” actually has its roots in the Tungus word saman, which means “one who knows or one who knows the spirits.”

Many of the classic shamanic characteristics that would later be reflected in cultures all over the world were originally documented by Russian and European explorers observing the Tungus and related peoples’ religious life.

This includes the three-world system, the shamanic journey or "soul/spirit flight," the use of altered states of consciousness, animistic belief in spirit, and so forth. More

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