Monday, January 1, 2018

Females make better Wanderers (photos)

(twitter, original post, July 16, 2016) edited by Amber Larson, Ananda M., Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Priestess Path with Elizabeth Wilcock (

10 lesser-known facts about female ascetics
Anum Ansari
The Maha Kumbha Mela ("Great Ambrosia-Pot Festival") is joyously celebrated in the city of Ujjain.

Few realized that the Kumbh Mela is attended by sadhvis, female sadhus, not only male sadhus. It is a great attraction for these naga-sadhvis and -sadhus.

There are certain rules for the ascetics who attend the mela, which are mandatory for males and females. Here are some interesting facts about them most people might not know:

1. Prior to becoming a wandering ascetic or hermit, a woman has to follow all the rules of brahmacharya (celibate rules) for 6-12 years. If she succeeds in doing that, she is ordained by her guru.

2.  Sadhus investigate the woman’s past, family, and friends before making her a naga sadhvi.

3. Before becoming a sadhvi, the woman has to do her own pinddan and libation.

How to become a female wanderer
What is the path to enlightenment, the Eight Limbs of Yoga or the Buddha's Path?
    How to become a wandering ascetic: Processes and rituals for becoming a sadhvi vary by sect. In almost all of them she is initiated by a guru, who bestows upon the initiate a new name and a mantra (a sacred sound or phrase), which is generally known only to the initiate and guru and may be repeated by as part of meditative practice. Becoming a wanderer is a path followed by millions. It is the final of four stages of a good Hindu life: after being a young celibate student, a retired worker, a householder, it is time to let it all go to become a celibate wanderer or pilgrim in search of Truth/godhood/moksha.
  • I did it! (Sadhvi Saraswati)
    But for most Hindus, particularly in modern times, this does not seem like a practical option. For a person to become a sadhvi/sadhu, vairagya is needed. This term means "a desire to achieve something by leaving the world" (cutting familial, societal, and worldly attachments).
  • A person who wants to become sadhu must first seek a guru then perform "service to the teacher" or guru-seva. The guru then decides whether the person is eligible to take to wandering (sannyasa) by observing the candidate or sisya (the person who wants to become a sadhu or sanyasin). If the person is eligible, guru upadesa (teaching) is done. Only then does the ordinary person transform into an ascetic, wayfarer, or wanderer. There are different types of sanyasins in India who follow different sampradya. But all sadhus, even Buddhist ones, from time immemorial have a common goal in mind: attaining moksha (liberation). More
FEMALE Buddhist monastics are known as bhikkhunis ("nuns"), Northern California.

4. Females are first made to shave their heads and then bathe in the river as a part of a [baptismal] cleansing ritual.

5. Female ascetics are given equal respect as males. They also take the royal "purification bath" along with males the holy river, usually the sacred Ganges.

6. In the path of becoming a sadhvi, a woman has to show that she is a complete devotee of God/GOD and has no interest in worldly pleasures.

7. There is only one difference in female and males. Females are made to cover themselves with a yellow cloth. They are not allowed to bathe naked -- like many of the "skyclad" males -- and so they have to use that same yellow cloth while bathing.
Acharya Mahamandaleshwar ordains women in the holy river as sanyasins.


8. As their lives are completely devoted to realization (of GOD/Brahman, of union with the universe, of finding the ultimate truth), their day starts with praying (japa) devotions (puja) and ends with the same.


9. Female ascetics put tika (tilaka, colorful makeup using sacred cremation pyre ashes as the base) on their foreheads and wear just a single yellowish or white cloth.

10. When a woman becomes a sadhvi, all of the priestesses/ascetics in her group start calling her mata ("mother," like female-padre). More
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