Friday, January 19, 2018

MARC: "The Yes Brain" (UCLA workshop)

The Yes Brain with Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, MD and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, PhD
The Yes Brain (
Join us at MARC for a talk inspired by Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson's latest book, The Yes Brain.
When facing challenges, unpleasant tasks, and contentious issues such as homework, screen time, food choices, and bedtime, children often act out or shut down, responding with reactivity instead of receptivity.

This is what New York Times bestselling authors Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson call a "No Brain response." But our kids can be taught to approach life with openness and curiosity. Parents can foster children’s ability to say yes to the world and welcome all that life has to offer, even during difficult times. This is what it means to cultivate a "Yes Brain."
When kids work from a Yes Brain, they’re more willing to take chances and explore. They’re more curious and imaginative, less worried about making mistakes. They’re better at relationships and more flexible and resilient when it comes to handling adversity and big feelings.

They work from a clear internal compass that directs their decisions, as well as the way they treat others. Guided by their Yes Brain, they become more open, creative, and resilient.

Daniel J. Siegel, MD is an internationally-acclaimed author, award-winning educator, and renowned child psychiatrist. He is the executive director of the Mindsight Institute, an educational center devoted to promoting insight, compassion, and empathy in individuals, families, institutions, and communities. Dr. Siegel's books include Mindsight, Pocket Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology, The Developing Mind (2nd ed.), The Mindful Therapist, The Whole-Brain Child, Brainstorm, and his latest book, Yes, the Brain. 

Tina Payne Bryson, PhD is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of two New York Times bestsellers -- The Whole-Brain Child (Random House Delacorte, 2011), and No-Drama Discipline (Random House Bantam, 2014) -- each of which has been translated into over 20 languages.  She is a psychotherapist and the founder/executive director of The Center for Connection in Pasadena, California, where she offers parenting consultations and provides therapy to children and adolescents..

MARC (Mindful Awareness Research Center)
MARC offers several workshops throughout the year that are designed to be experiential and educational. MARC workshops introduce the latest topics related to mindfulness and well-being. Past workshops include Why Mindfulness Matters: A Scientific Perspective with Dr. Sue Smalley; Mind Body Medicine: From Genes to Behavior with Dr. Michael Irwin; An Integrative Journey to the Mind with Dr. Daniel Siegel; The Cognitive Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation with Dr. Philippe Goldin; Positivity Resonates with Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, and many more.

*NOTE: In support of the UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative, current UCLA students (non-Extension) may sign up for this workshop for FREE. To register, please use the "UCLA Student" discount from the pulldown menu and use your UCLA email address.

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