Monday, January 22, 2018

Pope re-conquers Peru for Catholicism (photos)

World News (Associated Press,; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

The Latest: Pope departs Peru, concluding South America trip
LIMA, Peru - Here's "The Latest" on Pope Francis' visit to Peru (all times local).

7:12 PM: Pope Francis is heading back to Rome after a weeklong South America trip marred by violence and fallout from a clerical sex abuse scandal.
The pope's plane took off from the Peruvian capital Sunday evening following a Catholic ritual mass before 1.3 million faithful, a warm ending to an otherwise restive trip.

Francis traveled first to Chile, where he met with and apologized to victims of clerical sex abuse. But he later stoked outrage when he said victims' claims that a bishop knew about abuse and did nothing to stop it were "all calumny."
Several churches were set on fire during Francis' trip in Chile, and police fired tear gas at protesters outside a mass in the capital, Santiago.

Francis received a far warmer welcome in Peru as he traveled deep into the Amazon to defend the rights of indigenous people and spoke against corruption.
4:45 PM: Authorities say more than 1 million people are gathered at an airbase for Pope Francis' final mass in Peru as he concludes a restive trip to Latin America. More

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