Monday, January 22, 2018

How did the second Women's March go? (video)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Amy Goodman (;

“The Year of Our Awakening”: Global protests mark anniversary of Women’s March and Trump inauguration
Where were our Latina and black sisters?
Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets across the country this weekend to mark the first anniversary of last year’s historic Women’s March protesting Pres. Trump’s inauguration.
Democracy Now! broadcasts from the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, as protesters brave freezing temperatures and a snowstorm to take part in a Respect Rally.
Here voices are featured of longtime women’s rights attorney Gloria Allred and actress Jane Fonda, and interviewers speak with actress Tessa Thompson, who played the superheroine Valkyrie in the film “Thor,” Samantha “Sam” White in “Dear White People,” and Diane Nash in “Selma.” More + TRANSCRIPTS
Red Fawn: Dakota Access water protector/demonstrator accepts plea deal
Red Fawn Fallis
Native American Red Fawn Fallis (AP)
BISMARCK, North Dakota - A Denver woman named Red Fawn accused of shooting at law officers while being arrested for protesting the Dakota Access oil pipeline in North Dakota pleaded guilty Monday to two federal charges in a deal with prosecutors.

Free Red Fawn (AIM/
Red Fawn Fallis, of Denver, stands outside the federal courthouse in Bismarck, N.D. Fallis, who was accused of shooting at law enforcement officers during protests in North Dakota against the Dakota Access oil pipeline in October 2016, pleaded guilty today, Jan. 22, 2018, to two charges in a deal with prosecutors.

It means Fallis will not stand trial, where she could have faced up to life in prison if convicted. Prosecutors will recommend a sentence of no more than seven years. (PHOTO: Tom Stromme/The Bismarck Tribune via AP, File). More
No cameras allowed! Hilarious gym workout photographs (clickbait by
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Stephen Hawking and I are not married, so don't even ask, young man.

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