Friday, January 12, 2018

Superhuman yoga with Wim Hof (video)

Wim Hof (LAYoga); VICE; Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

I'm Yogi Iceman Wim Hof (
This maverick yogi is teaching the world to breathe -- one ice bath at a time.

During what feels like the height of the American popularity of hot yoga, Iceman Wim Hof is an ambassador of the cold. Before thinking this is just the next trend, Wim Hof is a modern master with a compelling story.

Hof is a world record holder (26) for cold exposure. In addition, he may just well be the planet’s most famous breathworker. When it comes to his method, Wim Hof is convincing. And he is willing to lead by example.
What is yoga? Ashtanga: "Eight Limbs"
Some of Hof’s recent notoriety came via a 39-minute VICE documentary (Inside the Super Human World of the Iceman) that first aired in 2015.

It opens with a mind-numbing view of Hof swimming under the ice. Then it goes on to feature a skeptical VICE reporter who travels to Amsterdam to study The Wim Hof Method with the man himself.

The three pillars of his training system are breathing, meditation, and cold exposure.
With boundless energy, Hof guides people through a specific breathing technique taught in synergy with the experience of gradual cold exposure via cold showering and eventually ice baths. Spoiler alert: by the end, the reporter is convinced that... More

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