Friday, January 19, 2018

Will the U.S. government shut down? (video)

Melania Trump (Late Show w/ Colbert); Associated Press (; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

Government shutdown deadline nears; Senate sets one last vote (
You gonna rat me out to Mueller, Bannon?
Fearless Leader Trump would never allow a government shutdown. If he did, what would he do with his time, go to Mar-a-Lago (Mara's resort in batsh-t crazy Florida) and host parties? No. The nation must move on, its leadership pods continue, and democracy and fairness win the day. Maybe Nancy Pelosi will save us! After all, where are Trump's co-conspirators, the Democrats, in all this? They're in the room, now just a weak "opposition party," just as the Republicans (the right wing of our one-party system) once were.

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