Tuesday, February 6, 2018

New Mayan Calendar? 60,000 structures found

Wikipedia.org; Xochitl, Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Mayan Calendar Similar to Ancient Chinese: Early Contact? (Epoch Times 2017)

Turkish-Mexican from Australia, Maya Jupiter
The Maya Biosphere Reserve is home to a large concentration of ancient Maya cities, many of which are under excavation.

Tikal (shown above) is the most famous of these, attracting about 120,000 to 180,000 visitors per year.
The Mirador Basin, in the northern part of the Reserve, contains numerous interconnected Maya cities.

The project is directed by Richard Hansen, an archaeologist at El Mirador, the largest of the sites, dating from the preclassic Maya period. Other cities in the region include El Tintal, Nakbe, and Wakna.

On February 1, 2018, Guatemalan, U.S., and European archaeologists announced the discovery via LIDAR of about 60,000 additional individual Mayan structures in the reserve ("Scientists find massive Mayan society under Guatemala jungle," AP, Feb. 4, 2018).

The structures, hidden under dense foliage, include four major Mayan ceremonial centers with plazas and pyramids (AP).

Other structures include elevated highways, complex irrigation and terracing systems, defensive walls, ramparts, and fortresses, although signs of looting were also found ("Exclusive: Laser Scans Reveal Maya "Megalopolis" Below Guatemalan Jungle," National Geographic, Feb. 4, 2018).

Maya enhanced their bodies at birth [to look more like space visitors?] (horizontimes.com)
Carved Mayan throne discovered at Piedras Negras Mayan site (wikipedia.org)
LIDAR penetrates Reserve's thick jungle.
The LiDAR imagery also showed that the Mayans altered the landscape more significantly than previously thought; in some areas, 95% of available land was cultivated (AP).

This discovery has been described as a major breakthrough in Maya archaeology.

It suggests that Central America supported an advanced civilization that, at its peak, was comparable more to the advanced cultures of ancient Greece or China rather than to the disparate city states that ground-based research had long suggested (Nat Geo).

Over 800 square miles (2,100 km2) of the reserve were surveyed, producing the largest LIDAR data set ever made for archaeological research (Nat Geo). More
New Mayan Calendar is Chinese?
Tara MacIsaac (Epoch Times, 9/7/17)
Real Mayan Calendar has moving cogs showing ages and aeons (VojtechVlk/Shutterstock)
Ancient Mayan and Ancient Chinese calendar systems share so many similarities, it is unlikely they developed independently.

This is according to the late, Harvard-educated David H. Kelley, whose paper on the subject was published posthumously in August, 2016.
Kelley was a Harvard-educated archaeologist and epigrapher at the University of Calgary in Canada. He earned fame in the 1960s for major contributions toward deciphering the Mayan script.

His article, titled “Asian Components in the Invention of the Mayan Calendar,” was written 30 years ago, but was only recently unearthed and published for the first time in the journal Pre-Columbiana. More
CA forests being mismanaged on purpose?

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