Friday, February 16, 2018

Sasquatches in Lake Arrowhead, CA (video)

Investigative Reporter (
This is the "Bigfoot" Native Americans called Sasquatch and countless other names.

Lloyd Pye presents SCIENTIFIC evidence establishing the existence of Sasquatch creatures.
Ackley was hiking a trail in Blue Jay [near Lake Arrowhead] with her two daughters on March 17, 2017, between 6:30 and 7:00 pm. She said her daughters noticed it first.

"They're [my daughters are] standing right there frozen looking at something," Ackley said. She believes they were looking at [a massive] Bigfoot [creature and two smaller Sasquatches].

"He looked like a Neanderthal man with a lot of hair," Ackley said. "About 800 pounds. I was trying to tell it to please not hurt us, and that's when he just stared at me."

Ackley said the Sasquatch was perched in a tree, about 30 feet above the ground. She said there were two other Sasquatches nearby.

(The Press-Enterprise, Feb. 13, 2018) Crestline woman claims she saw Sasquatch in San Bernardino Mountains. Claudia Ackley of Crestline is suing the state of California to get Sasquatch recognized as a real species.
Note creatures' conical skulls, human faces.
"All I'm thinking is, 'Please don't get near us because I have my children,'" she said.
Ackley called 911, but said the authorities didn't believe her.

"I'm sorry; you saw a bear,'" Ackley [claims the recorded 911 operator] said. "And I said, 'No; this was no bear. I know what I saw.'"

Ackley has filed a lawsuit against the State of California, as well as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife [who know these cryptozoological creatures exist], for refusing to [publicly] acknowledge the existence of the species. The spokesperson for the CDFW would not comment because of the pending lawsuit.

Game wardens know they're REAL but get in trouble for talking.

"They're on our property. They knock on our walls. They look through our windows," Ackley said. "It's more and more and more." More + ABC VIDEO
Sasquatch around family and Los Angeles?

(Angeles Sasquatch, Sep. 25, 2017) Crestline Bigfoot? #ProjectGoAndSee. Exploring new areas of the San Bernardino Nat'l Forest, just for fun, just to go and see.

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