Friday, March 9, 2018

Wanted: California Bald Eagle Count (March 10)

Los Angeles Times); Xochitl, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly UPDATED
Careful! Those are my babies! - Stop nagging. The cam is on! (Friends of Big Bear Valley)
Humans would be willing to help birds?
WANTED: Volunteers ("citizen scientists") to help count the number of bald eagles wintering over in Southern California. No experience necessary.

Bring warm clothes. It's the 39th year that the U.S. Forest Service and California State Parks have organized the seasonal count to monitor how many eagles come to visit.

Afraid of the weather? Watch a pair of eagles with two eggs in their nest with the Big Bear Eagle Cam operated by Friends of Big Bear Valley from the comfort of home.

Big Bear Eagle Cam: Bald eagle nestin
Volunteers should show up at one of a number of lake (watch out for Sasquatches if it's Big Bear) with binoculars and a watch. This final bald eagle count is scheduled for March 10, 2108 between 9:00-10:00 am... More + DETAILS

UPDATE: More bald eagles spotted!

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