Saturday, March 24, 2018

March for MORE government control (live)

(David Icke) How does our government rule and control our population?

Give me safety over freedom!
Democracy Now! is broadcasting live coverage of the March For Our Lives [So the Government Can Take Away More of Our Rights] in Washington, D.C. This historic event was created, inspired, and led by [geniuses in the US clandestine services and professional production companies and stage managers using] students [to demand a predetermined set of new laws and regulations]. Featured are voices of students and others of all ages as they converge on the capital and over 800 other cities, including Los Angeles and New York, around the world to demand action on gun control. Watch online here or tune in live today at 12:00 pm ET to Free Speech TV (Dish Network 9415 & DirecTV Ch. 348), Link TV (Dish Network 9410 & DirecTV Ch. 375), or check your local Democracy Now! station for listings. WATCH

AMY GOODMAN: “Never again.” That’s become the rallying cry for students in Florida who survived [a] school shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland that left 17 people dead. Funerals continue to be held for the students and teachers who were killed in one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history. The confessed gunman, Nikolas Cruz, was a former student who had been expelled. He carried out the killings with an AR-15, which he reportedly bought three days after getting kicked out of the school last year. More
  • Buddhist view? Ban ALL guns for EVERYONE (particularly police and soldiers who abuse them the most) or allow them for everyone for self-defense BUT cultivate suffiicient wisdom and compassion to not use weapons

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