Monday, March 26, 2018

Protests: Killer cops off Stephon Clark (photos)

Wisdom Quarterly; (GQ);SacBee)
PHOTOS: Days of protest ensue over police racism and mistreatment of blacks

The Sacramento PD released body cam footage of the murder of innocent, unarmed, uninvolved black man Stephon Clark whom officers nevertheless shot to death for holding a cellphone (SPD).

He was at least the sixth unarmed person [murdered] by police this year.

On Sunday night, Sacramento police were responding to a call about a man breaking windows [clearly to them a death penalty offense] when they shot a black, unarmed father of two [standing at his grandmother's house].
Hands up, don't shoot (all over again)
  • Killer cops mute their body cams after shooting. Why? To conspire to cover up murder? UPDATED: ‘Show me your hands.’ Police video shows death of Stephon Clark in a hail of [unwarranted police] gunfire, March 21, updated March 22, 2018) Sacramento police fatally shot Stephon Clark on Sunday night within seconds of encountering him next to his grandparents’ home in south Sacramento, video released Wednesday by the department shows. About six minutes after the shooting, after backup arrives, an officer can be heard telling another officer, “Hey, mute.” Sound then cuts out as officers apparently turn off their microphones [and begin to conspire to perjure themselves and cover up their crimes]. But video continues and the officers can be seen speaking to each other and to at least one civilian on scene for about two more minutes before the video ends. More + VIDEO
Institutional racism kills! "ICE out of CA." "No Human is Illegal." Stop deportations.

Black Lives [DON'T] Matter: mass arrests
The two fear-stricken, on-duty officers [claim that they] believed Stephan Clark [who was on a cellphone] was holding a gun before firing at him 20 times (10 times each), leaving Clark dead [shoot now, ask questions later].

The encounter lasted roughly six seconds, and after approaching Clark's corpse they determined he'd actually been holding an iPhone.
We're watching, and we'll shoot no Q's asked
The incident echoed a 2016 shooting by Sacramento police of an innocent mentally ill black man. After police [murdered] Joseph Mann, it became department policy to release body cam footage of critical incidents like this within a month of them happening.

On Wednesday, the department publicly released footage from officer body cams and a support helicopter dispatched to help with pursuit. More

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