Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Stephen Hawking is officially DEAD (video)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; BBC; Family Guy; theTruman; KFIDeadorAliveinfo UPDATED

Stephen Hawking dies at age 76
I may have been a front for others speaking.
(BBC) World renowned physicist Stephen Hawking [alleged womanizer, atheist, and ET fear-monger] has died at the age of 76. He died peacefully in his home in Cambridge in the early hours of Wednesday, his family said. He was known for his work with black holes and relativity and wrote several popular science books including A Brief History of Time. "We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today," his children said. At the age of 22 Stephen Hawking was given only a few years to live after being diagnosed with a rare form of motor neuron disease. The illness left him wheelchair-bound and largely unable to speak except through a voice synthesizer. More + VIDEO
Who was Hawking?
It's normal that people die every day.
Stephen William Hawking (January 8, 1942-March 13, 2018) is dead at 76 in England, where it is the 14th. Although his voice machine was missing the accent, he was British.

Hawking was allegedly a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, and the director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge.

Hawking may have just been the face of all of this activity. The voice device he relied on could have been controlled by anyone, as the above video suggests. Who believes that it was luck that he outlived everyone else with ALS by decades?

Hawking's scientific works include the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. He was a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and feared invasion by ETs that would colonize and enslave earthlings...(Wiki edited by WQ).

Dr. Hakwing was said to be one of the world's most brilliant theoretical physicists and cosmologists, author of A Brief History of Time, who was confined to a wheelchair for most of his life due to ALS -- as he somehow managed to outlive everyone else with this same diagnosis by decades:

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