Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Chart of 150 years of major tech innovations

(Business Insider, 413/18); CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Steve Jobs original iPhone
Former Apple chief executive Steve Jobs holds original iPhone, one of the biggest technological breakthroughs of modern times (Alessia Pierdomenico/Reuters)

This chart shows every major technological innovation in the last 150 years — and how they have changed the way we WORK
  • Since 1760 productivity has increased almost 30 fold [3,000%].
  • That is largely down to tech innovations like electricity, phones, and Internet.
  • [How 99% of us work today is as "wage slaves" or peons with bosses who want more and more efficiency to give us fewer and fewer jobs.]
  • Barclays chronicled the world's rising productivity in its latest Equity Gilt Study.
LONDON, England - Humanity is always moving forward [except when it's moving backward or stagnating in place] with innovation after innovation improving planetary quality of life.

The last 150 years have seen the most remarkable advancement of technology in our recorded history [unless we look at ancient Buddhist, Vedic, and Sumerian texts that tell of previous golden ages and better technology due to beings from space and advancements developed here].

Electric lighting, cars, toxic plastic, the telephone, and television are all less than 150 years old, while newer innovations such as the Internet have spurred ever more rapid societal development.
Bitch slap workers like this, right on the face
Technological advances have boosted productivity by allowing workers to get more done in a day. This helps to increase output and boosts economic growth.

In its recent Equity Gilt Study, which is a massive annual report by Barclays chronicling the bank's thoughts on important topics in finance and economics, the bank focused heavily on new technologies and particularly on cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence. More
Tesla says its factories are getting safer. These workers tell a different story (digg)

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