Thursday, April 26, 2018

Love Bomb Meditation, Yoga, Massage (free)

The marriage of wisdom and compassion
What will it take to for Buddhist meditation (the development of calm and insight) to be possible?

FREE $100 massages? At our "Read, Practice, Hugs" session, everyone agreed love is often the missing ingredient.

There were so many endogenous chemicals (third eye/pineal gland secretions of DMT) flowing around the room that we agreed to make a hugging option a regular feature of our sessions.

This week we'll relax with Yoga Massage for self and others, open hearts with powerful Ecstatic Breathwork and Reiki to reach profound states of serenity. Followed by mindfulness exercises and a group reading of the Heart Sutra.

What to bring: Loose comfortable top to expose back, towel, water, crystal (optional), vegan snacks and RAW juices for sharing and socializing.
Dharma Meditation Initiative - UCLA - Disclosure - Dharma Punx - PasaDharma

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