Friday, May 25, 2018

Railroad ruins Thoreau's "Walden Pond" (audio)

Prof. Laura Dassow Walls, Host Mitch Jeserich (Letters & Politics, May 24, 2018,, Berkeley); Crystal Quintero, Dhr. Seven, Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
You could buy anything in the good ol' US of A. Negroes, need Negroes? Auction block.
We restored the trees and forests around Walden Pond, Mass. (Walden Pond Project)
Laura Dassow Walls, author of Henry David Thoreau: A Life, talks about nonviolent Henry David Thoreau’s work on Civil Disobedience during the Walden Years.

Why would he, in apparent contradiction to nonviolence, support abolitionist (pro-abolition of slavery) John Brown’s armed raid on Harper’s Ferry?

Thoreau witnessed the disastrous coming of the railroad through Walden Pond, Massachusetts, the wiping out of the Native Americans, United States' deforestation, and the Industrial Age. More + AUDIO

Slaves revolt
US Marines enforce slavery, attack John Brown
John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry was an anti-slavery movement effort in the U.S. Abolitionist John Brown tried to initiate a slave revolt in 1859 by taking over a U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

But Brown's valiant party of 22 was defeated by a company of U.S. Marines, led by First Lieutenant Israel... More

Photos in the Library of Congress are evidence of the USA's genocide of Native Americans
  • GUEST: Laura Dassow Walls is the Willliam P. and Hazel B. White professor of English graduate program in history and philosophy of science at Notre Dame University.

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