Monday, June 11, 2018

Facing the Shadow: Sex and Power (June 26), LA (FB); Pat Macpherson, Ananda M., Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Facing the Shadow with Sitaramaya Sita, Ashley Booth, Tony Moss, Liana Sananda, LA.

Los Angeles author Erica Garza: Getting Off
The Aware Project hosts a series of monthly Psychedelic Awareness Salon events in LA and San Diego.

Join Aware Project and SoCal psychedelic (entheogenic) leaders for this panel and community discussion about sexuality and power.

Over the next few months, The Aware Project is planning a new series of events. It is called the Psychedelic Community Dialogue. This series aims to create space to have important conversations.
But sex is wrong and power is worse, right?
Let’s come together in community to address what we need, the standards we want to set, and the future we wish to create.

SCHEDULE: Doors open at 7:00 PM. Mingling and tea provided by the I.AM.LIFE Guayusa Tea Lounge. Discussion at 8:00 PM.
Imbalances of power in our society are glaring. With the backdrop of the #metoo, #timesup, and multi-culturalism movements, we see the same issues facing the psychedelic/entheogenic subculture. We need to take a deep look at how we might be perpetuating these problems.

How are we conducting ourselves? What are our blind spots? Why do we continue to support shamans and practitioners who commit sexual abuse? Why are straight, cisgender males generally the ones who get the main speaking spots at conferences? Why is the psychedelic community predominantly Caucasian?

The answers to these questions are easy to uncover through a historical lens, but how can we now cultivate truth and reconciliation, healing, and create lasting changes? Join us as we heal, learn, grow, and create together!

Community Dialogue #1 June 26th in Culver City will focus on sexuality, sexual dynamics, and power in psychedelics/entheogens. National and international communities have been embroiled in conversations around power abuses and sexual misconduct. Recent events in Southern California show the same patterns.

So let's come together to discuss what's needed to provide healing spaces for victims, counsel for perpetrators, and a vocal culture of zero-tolerance for power abuses. More
MISSION: The Aware Project's aim is to: (1) balance the public conversation about psychedelics, (2) spread accurate information, and (3) give a new face to psychedelia. It feels that this change will occur through connection and relationship, one individual at a time. It is calling on everyone whose lives have been improved through the mindful use of psychedelics to educate themselves and become ambassadors for the psychedelic experience. Let us show everyone around that people who are mindfully using psychedelics cross all social, racial, economic, and political lines. More

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