Friday, June 15, 2018

Hollywood Fringe: Sex Worker Burlesque via; Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly (a sex-positive publication in a Puritanical society)
Sow contains nudity and sexual themes that are appropriate for anyone 18+ but may not be appropriate for those with sensitivity to flashing lights. (New Hope Foundation Int'l)
RAYN: An Electronic Burlesque Experience
Elena as "Rayn" the sex worker
This one-woman psychedelic electro-opera is about everyone’s favorite muse: the sex worker.

A live performance, it marks the debut of Elena Rayn’s first full album, Rayn, a multi-genre album of original songs that fuses musical theater, adult topics, and classic electronic dance music.

It is a scintillating debut bound to spark some synapses.
Sex workers in Buddhist Cambodia after it was destroyed by the US War on Vietnam
  • June 16, 2018 10:30PM
  • Hollywood Fringe at Thymele Art
  • 5481 Santa Monica Bl., LA 90029
Swept Away directed by Bonnie Root
In light of recent SESTA/FOSTA legislation, it is more important than ever for sex workers to come out of hiding and share their stories to generate understanding, compassion, and empathy.

It is time to push for decriminalization (which is not the same as legalization) and destigmatization of this hated profession.

Through the story of "Rayn" -- Elena’s sex worker alter ego -- audiences encounter the erotic entertainer, often seen as a distant and intimidating archetype, as approachable, innocent, familiar, and friendly: a fairy-like muse.
This is an immersive musical burlesque experience, full of flashing lights and flashing. Rayn involves audiences in the story. They dance along, get danced on, and directly experience the healing and magic sex workers can bring to clients.

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