Friday, June 22, 2018

FREE: DisclosureFest (DTLA, June 23); Dhr. Seven, Ananda M., Jen, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Welcome to this colony, ETs!
We're holding a FREE Disclosure Music Fest and Mass Meditation in the park in DTLA, near Chinatown. It's a mindful, musical, yoga, vegan, space disclosure, past life regression, sound bath, art walk, healing arts festival with drum circles, fire ceremonies, goddess circles, Indigo-Starseed children's space, astrology, guest speakers, Ayurveda, and light activations in the center of the biggest little city in the world, Los Angeles. Downtown will become the center of a worldwide community via a massive 2:00 PM livestream guided mass meditation.

DISCLOSURE: After the opening fire ceremony by Yogi Nandhi, David Wilcock (Edgar Cayce reborn) with Corey Goode and Emery Smith (UFO and Secret US Space Program whistleblowers) at 12:20 PM on the main stage and 5:15 PM on the second stage with others including radio's Jimmy Church. See full schedule

MASS MEDITATION: Downtown will become the center of a global community via our massive 2:00 PM livestream meditation.

Dharma Meditation Initiative - - Disclosure Project - PasaD - Punx

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