Thursday, July 5, 2018

How to Get Girls to Like You in 10 Secs (video)

Kate Spring, March 1st, 2018; EIC; Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

How To Make A Woman Like You In Under 10 Seconds
"Expert" Kate Spring
I’m Kate Spring, a dating and relationship coach from the West Coast of Canada, and today I want to share a super-fast way that you can make a girl like you within the first 10 seconds of meeting her.
No, this is not Jedi-Mind Tricks 101, but a simple psychology. There are some basic things you should do in preparation to woo women, the basics including bathing and dressing for success. Get yourself looking and smelling fresh because that is the FIRST thing to which women pay attention. Wash your clothes. Don’t go out and spend thousands of dollars on new clothes. Wear clothes that fit you but are clean. That is the prep work.
Now, there is a secret system I created that will make any woman like you within seconds of meeting her. This isn’t necessarily reliant on the words you speak. On the contrary, it is how you look, yes, look, and I mean that literally and figuratively.
It takes less than two seconds for someone to make an opinion about you, according to a study done by the Harvard School of Health Sciences. The study conducted had students look at a tw second video clip of a professor and make assumptions about this person’s character and likeability.

These students, who only saw this professor for two seconds, came to the same conclusions as students who had been in this professor’s class for an entire semester. What can we learn from this?
This shows me that we make snap judgments daily! So knowing that we actually decide if we like someone within two seconds of meeting them is crucial for you to know in your dating endeavors. When we like someone, we see the best in them. Let me repeat: We see the best in them! If a woman likes you within the first two seconds of meeting you, she will want to get to know you.
At this point, you’re probably wondering what you can do to become instantly likeable. In Nicholas Boothman’s book How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less, he talks about how ATTITUDE, above all else, at the beginning of an encounter, will determine the result of that encounter and whether we succeed or fail.
We respond to the attitude that comes through body language. Attitude determines how our non-verbal message will be received. Once you have the right attitude, it’s time to employ the L.S.O. System. That is to
  1. Look
  2. Smile, and
  3. Open up your body.
1. Look: Look a woman in the eye when you meet her. This is a sign of confidence, and it is also an indication that you’re a well-mannered man. In Western culture, if you were to look at the ground when you meet someone, that lack of eye contact is actually a sign of submission to your conversation partner. It automatically places you in an inferior position.

(EIC) A man's opinion and advice. What women don't want men to know
Similarly, if your gaze is directed to someone else in the room when speaking to your conversation partner, you’re non-verbally saying to that partner, “you’re not important” or “I’m only half paying attention to you.” This dismissive attitude with not aid in a favorable outcome. So far, this is pretty straightforward information when we break it down, but it’s important to remember these things because they often can get lost in the immediacy of the moment, especially when we feel pressure to perform well. And it becomes even more the case when we’re meeting someone for the first time that we like and think is attractive.
  • Tip: First things first: Make eye contact.
2. Smile When we first meet people, we immediately make a distinction about whether they are good or bad, what Nicholas Boothman says is, “are you charming or alarming?” Smiling is one of the key ways to make yourself charming and not alarming. Again, this all comes back to the attitude that your body is projecting. And smiling is one of, if not the easiest, ways to create a charming attitude. More

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