Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Masterclasses with khomus, Central Asian harp

Pnmartists; Ananda M. (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Winter 2018 Khomus Masterclasses
Native American? No. A Sakha girl in garb.
Yuli-yana Krivoshapkina will conduct a series of masterclasses in various cities across the United States in December 2018.

She is a virtuoso in the art of the khomus (temir komuz), the national instrument of Central Asia's formerly Buddhist Sakha Republic. It functions much like a Jew’s harp, but differs in several respects.
  • Genetic studies show that the Sakha (Yakut) people likely came from ancient Saka [Shakya Land, Sakya, Scythia], who ruled Northeast India (and present-day Pakistan including Taxila) some 2,000 years ago. (The Buddha was, after all, a Saka prince). There are some links to Northern India n culture like the köss, which is the distance traveled while a kettle of water comes to the boil. More
Native American chanting? No. Yakutia men near the Lena Pillars, Sakha

A conventional Jew’s harp is limited in range, volume, and pitch. The khomus is loud and possesses a strikingly expansive range. Yuli-yana’s skill allows her to play sounds across three octaves.

She is the winner of the Ethnic Sound category in the Discovery International Music Pop Festival in Varna, Bulgaria.

She has performed in the USA, Korea, France, Germany, Belgium, Japan, China, Thailand, Holland, Norway, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, and Turkmenistan.

Her music draws on the powers of nature and the wisdom and traditions of the Yakut people to portray the timeless relationship between humans and the universe.
Exact dates and locations to be announced in the near future. Fill out the form to stay updated. More

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