Sunday, July 15, 2018

Rains Retreat 2018 begins, Pasadena (July 22)

LA Buddhist Vihara, Pasadena (facebook), 2562; Bhante, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Buddhist "Lent" (Rains Retreat or Vassa) for monastics begins, as monks and nuns go into their annual intensive practice and teaching for three months corresponding to the Indian rainy season. It is called Esala, an ancient Sri Lankan observance.

Pasadena's Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara or LABV Monastery invites the public to a ceremony inviting them to take up the rainy season at this location. From then on until the Kathina Ceremony closing the Rains Retreat, the temple will be open every Sunday evening for Dharma talks, meditation, discussion, blessings, and free food. More

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