Thursday, July 19, 2018

Way of Meditation: Not Being Clingy (July 19)

Ananda (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Jen, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly
I only grasp people and relationships -- until I get so clingy I get dumped.
Grasping, grubby hands for my mad cash
With regard to beautiful things, our habit is to grasp and cling. This strong attachment means we do not see the true nature of things.

With regard to unlovely things, our habit is to resist and reject even before they have been useful by showing us why they came into our experience.

With regard to neutral things, our habit is to become bored. This boredom with either their dullness or complexity means we do not see their true nature.

These three habits -- called the Three Poisons of greed, hatred, and delusion -- destroy the possibility of meditating up to a clear mind and an open heart.

Meditation for people who find it hard
Thursday night we will offer antidotes to these three root causes of all our suffering so we can have inner peace, outer prosperity, and better love relationships. Followed by a deep meditation for all, community, laughter, and vegan refreshments. Free/by donation.

Dharma Meditation Initiative, Los Angeles: Thursday, July 19, 2018, 6:30-8:00 PM

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