Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Jack Kornfield: Awakened Heart, LA (Nov. 3)

Jack Kornfield, Trudy Goodman (InsightLA); Dhr. Seven, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Join Insight LA for a joyful day of transformative teachings, wonderful stories, heart practices, and awakening together.

More than ever, in these turbulent and divisive times, we need ways to steady our heart, calm our mind, clear our vision, and inspire our action.

Let's cultivate the qualities of courage and love, how to dwell in kind awareness, and how to enhance our natural capacity for care and connection towards ourselves, our society, and all beings.

Metta and goodwill -- combined with compassion/forgiveness, sympathetic joy, and equanimity -- are the revolutionary and necessary powers to transform our lives and mend our world.

Proceeds from this unique benefit support's Insight in Action program, which offers mindfulness and compassion trainings to over 20 non-profits serving our wider Los Angeles community.

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