Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Moonlit: The Punch in the Head (sutra)

Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Aloka (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly, Ven. Thanissaro (trans.), Juñha Sutra, "Moonlit Sutra" (Verses of Inspiring Uplift, The Udana 4.4)

Help, this shapeshifting yakkha is after me!
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rajagaha (Rajgir) at the Bamboo Grove in the Squirrels' Feeding Ground.

On that occasion Ven. Sariputra and Ven. Maha Moggallana were staying in Pigeon Cave. On a moonlit night, Sariputra with his head newly shaven was sitting outside in the open air, absorbed in concentration (samadhi).

I want to beat on his bald head. - No, friend!
Just then two companion ogres (yakkhas, maras, asuras, jinn) were flying north to south for one reason or another. They saw Sariputra with his head newly shaven. And seeing him, one ogre said, "I'm inspired to give this wandering ascetic a blow on the head."

When this was said, the other ogre replied, "Enough, friend! Do not lay a hand on that wandering ascetic, who is outstanding, of great power and might."

A second time and third time, the ogre repeated his wish, and a second and third time, the other replied, "Enough, friend! Do not lay a hand on that wandering ascetic, who is outstanding, of great power and might."

I'm an ogre, so I do what I want when I want.
The ogre, ignoring his friend, gave Sariputra a severe blow on the head. That blow might have knocked over an elephant of seven or eight cubits (the length between elbow and fingertips) tall, or split a great rocky crag. Right there and then the ogre -- crying out, "I'm burning!" -- fell into the Waveless Deep (Great Hell).

Now, Maha Moggallana -- using his psychic powers, the purified divine eye that surpasses the human -- saw the ogre strike Sariputra on the head. Seeing this, he went to Sariputra then said to him, "I hope you're well, friend Sariputra. I hope you're comfortable and free of pain."

"I'm well, friend Moggallana, and comfortable. But I do have a slight headache."

"How amazing, friend Sariputra, how astounding, how great your power and might! Just now I saw an ogre give you a blow on the head. So great was that blow that it might have knocked over a tall elephant or split a rocky crag. But all you say is, 'I'm well, friend Moggallana, and comfortable. But I do have a slight headache.'"

"How amazing, friend Moggallana, how astounding, how great your power and might! Where you saw an ogre just now, I saw not even a whirlwind!"

The Blessed One -- with his purified divine ear that surpasses the human -- heard his two great male disciples (counterparts to the great Buddhist nuns Ven. Khema and Ven. Uppalavanna) conversing. And realizing the significance of what they were saying, he exclaimed:

Whose mind, standing like a rock, shakes not
With dispassion toward things that ignite passion,
Unprovoked by things that ignite provocation:
When one's mind-heart is developed in this way,
Whence will there come to disappointment or pain?

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