Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"Wacky" new Democratic ideas (video)

Fox News keeps making Progressives look good (accidentally)
Joanna Rothkopf
Laura Ingraham tried to attack Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar. It backfired.

On Tuesday evening, Laura Ingraham (sorry) did a segment on her show, The Ingraham Angle (so sorry), entitled, “The Freshman Insurrection” (please forgive me).

Progressives look good on Fox (Getty/Fox).
In the segment, Ingraham discusses a new class of progressive congresswomen—specifically, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. As is the case with most of Ingraham’s work, the segment is clearly meant to strike fear into the hearts of the white and retired.

But if not delivered with Ingraham’s trademark sneer, it would have actually come across as a pretty good campaign ad. More

Yes, Trump altered Acosta video
If I were president...Hillary
[The Trump administration's second most dependable liar behind Sarah Huckabee Sanders] Kellyanne Conway admitted to Fox News’s Chris Wallace Sunday that the Jim Acosta video tweeted by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was, in fact, doctored. And in so doing she coined another phrase that, although not as catchy as "alternative facts," is just as Orwellian. More + VIDEO

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