Monday, December 24, 2018

Maha Mangala Sutra: Great Blessings Discourse

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly based on (abbreviated Pali chant)

Deva: What is life's highest blessing?
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One (the Buddha) was staying at the monastery of Anathapindika in Jeta's Grove near Savatthi (ancient India).

Now when the night was far spent, a certain deva (angelic deity, "shining one"), whose surpassing splendor illuminated the entire woodland grove, came into the presence of the Blessed One.

Drawing near, the deva saluted him, stood respectfully to one side, and addressed the Blessed One in verse:

Many devas and humans yearning after the good have pondered blessings. Pray, tell me the highest blessing!

To avoid associating with fools, to associate with the wise, to honor those worthy of honor -- this is the highest blessing.

To reside in a suitable location, to have completed meritorious deeds in the past, to establish oneself on the right course -- this is the highest blessing.

Wide learning, skillful handicraft, well trained discipline, pleasant speech -- this is the highest blessing.

Support of father and mother, cherishing spouse and children, harmless occupation -- this is the highest blessing.

Generosity (liberality), good conduct, helping relatives, blameless action -- this is the highest blessing.

To cut and abstain from further harm, foregoing intoxicants, steadfastness in virtue -- this is the highest blessing.

Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude, opportune listening to the Dharma (truth, teaching, doctrine) -- this is the highest blessing.

Patience, compliance, seeing wanderers (purified ones), uplifting spiritual discussion in season (at the appropriate time) -- this is the highest blessing.

Self control, the supreme life, perception of the (four) ennobling truths, the realization of nirvana -- this is the highest blessing!
One whose heart/mind does not flutter by contact with worldly things, sorrowless, stainless, secure -- this is the highest blessing.

For those fulfilling these -- everywhere invincible, in every way moving happily -- these are the highest blessings.

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