Friday, January 4, 2019

The Great King Tut HOAX? (video)

Ancient Architects, Jan. 17, 2018; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Photos were retrieved from Google Images and are used for educational purposes only.

The Great Tutankhamen Hoax: Was the tomb of King Tut faked?
The boy-king Tutankhamen, whose tomb was famously discovered in 1922 by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter, is arguably the most famous pharaoh in Egyptian history. Every child has heard about "King Tut," and Carter and Carnarvon have both gone down in history and folklore due to the golden artifacts they uncovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings. Today, just years from the 100 year anniversary of the discovery, we continue to learn more and more about the finds.

But when we put the information together, when we logically look at the tomb of King Tut, something is very wrong, not the fabled "curse." Far from being the greatest historical discovery of all time, have we actually been taken in by greatest historical hoax of all time?

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