Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Why are governments so anti-psychedelics?

Lauren Maul (,
Can drugs cure us? (
What don’t they want our third eyes to see? In the U.S. we are all entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness [not the actual capture of it]…and sometimes, psychedelic [entheogens] play a part in that noble pursuit.

Cancer patients are able to grin in the face of death thanks to magical mushrooms, and people with PTSD are finding relief with MDMA [Ecstasy].

Yet, these wonder drugs and other psychedelics ["mind-making" substances] like them are illegal.
Some activists, like Charlotte Walsh of the anti-prohibitionist Ayahuasca Defense Fund, believe that the banning of these drugs is a violation of international human rights law.

“An alcohol user can alter [his or her] consciousness freely despite the proven risks, while a psychedelic user faces heavy punishment. It’s arbitrary discrimination,” says Walsh in an interview with The Atlantic. More

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