Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Supermoon lunar observance (video)

HowToCreatorss, 2/18/19; Dhr. Seven, Ellie Askew (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Supermoons of 2019
This is how to watch the Super Winter Moon of 2019 (after the Super Wolf Moon of January and before the March Super Worm Moon). A supermoon occurs when the moon is full while closest to the Earth, known as its perigee. It's expected to happen three times in 2019, which sounds like an "inauspicious" sign. The first, the Super Blood Wolf Moon, occurred on Jan. 20-21. Tonight is the Super Snow Moon (Feb. 19). The third is expected on March 21, the Super Worm Moon. Viewing a super moon is awesome, but sky-watchers will have to be patient and keep a keen eye through the clouds. #supermoon #february #2019.

The Buddhist Lunar Observance
The uposatha (Sanskrit, upavasatha) is a Buddhist day of observance that has been in existence since the Buddha's time (600 BCE). It is still being kept to this day in Buddhist countries.

The Buddha taught that this lunar observance day is for "the cleansing of the defiled mind (heart)," resulting in inner calm and joy.

On this day, both lay and monastic members of the Buddhist community (sangha) intensify their practice, deepen their knowledge, and express communal commitment through millennia-old acts of lay-monastic reciprocity.

On these days the lay followers make a conscious effort to keep the Five Precepts or  eight precepts (as  tradition suggests, since this is also called the "fasting" day because one does not eat after noon when observing the eight precepts). It is a day for practicing the Buddha's teachings and meditation in particular. More

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