Sunday, March 3, 2019

"Leaving Neverland" molested by child molester Michael Jackson (HBO)

HBO, 2019; CBS This Morning; Crystal Q., Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Leaving Neverland (2019) | official trailer | HBO
Leaving Neverland is a two-part documentary (tonight and tomorrow) exploring the separate but parallel experiences of two young boys, James Safechuck, at age 10, and Wade Robson, at age 7, both of whom were befriended and violated by famous gay child molester and singer Michael Jackson. Through gut-wrenching interviews with Safechuck, now 40, and Robson, now 36, as well as their mothers, wives, and siblings, the film crafts a portrait of sustained abuse, exploring the complicated feelings that led both men to confront their experiences after both had a young son of his own. Directed by Dan Reed. Leaving Neverland premieres March 3 on HBO.

Michael Jackson's victims/accusers detail alleged abuse by the late gay pop icon
(March 2, 2019) In this extended conversation of their first TV interview about the HBO documentary, Leaving Neverland, Wade Robson and James Safechuck share with CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King their allegations that Michael Jackson homosexually abused them when they were children. Michael Jackson always denied claims of being a child molester (until his secret chamber at Neverland Ranch was discovered but hardly reported by mainstream media). He settled a lawsuit involving homosexual abuse allegations in 1993 and was acquitted in a criminal child molestation trial in 2005. Watch CBS This Morning

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