Monday, May 27, 2019

Summer: Happy Anti-War Memorial Day

World War II: Memorial Day Tribute
Storytellers, May 28, 2018
Since it is Memorial Day, let us stay focused on video essays: The Pacific, Saving Private Ryan,  and Band of Brothers.
It is natural to first remember those who are closest to us. Many of us have been personally touched by war. But we must also extend that mourning.

We must remember the combat veterans, civilian ["collateral damage"] victims, and their families, who are all equally human beings. Honoring and remembering some deaths while ignoring others not only perpetuates war, it also ignores the moral injuries of war, which is now recognized as a significant cause of veteran suicide.

This Memorial Day, VFP is reminding the public that the human cost of war is more than human soldiers. It is also the people who are caught in the crossfire. Each year VFP members participate in a wide range of activities in cities and towns all across the nation to observe Memorial Day.
In Washington, D.C., VFP will display the Swords to Plowshares Belltower from May 25-27 to remember ALL people murdered and killed in war. On Memorial Day morning VFP will host a ceremony at the Belltower at 9:00 AM then solemnly proceed by foot to the Vietnam Memorial to deliver open "Letters to the Vietnam Wall" at 10:30 AM as part of the Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign. More

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