Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Buddha explains KARMA

Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wikipedia edit, Wisdom Quarterly
"Minerva victorious over Ignorance" (Bartholomaus Spranger)

The Buddha was a karma-vadin.
What's "karma" in Buddhism? Karma is Sanskrit that literally means "action" or "doing" bound up with the intention or motive behind the doing.

Karma refers to deeds driven by intention (cetanā). And there are 20 "courses" of action.

An intentional deed (motivated by unskillful clinging, aversion, delusion or their skillful counterparts letting go, nonaversion, wisdom) leads to welcome and unwelcome results.

The 31 Planes of Existence
The underlying motive or intention behind an act is what determines the kind of results, such as rebirths in samsara, one will get.

Usually when people say, "This is my karma" (lit., This is my deed), they actually mean, "This is my karmic fruit." This is to confuse cause with results.

They often mean the "effects" or "results" of their deed (karma-phala) and the "maturation" or "ripening" (karma-vipaka) of it:

"The remote effects of karmic choices are referred to as the 'maturation' (vipāka) or 'fruit' (phala) of the karmic act" (Keown 2000, pp. 36-37). More

Let him live: Achilles with Goddess Athena, with a hurt heel (startpage/wiki)

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