Thursday, May 16, 2019

VESAK: Buddha's Xmas Potluck (May 23)

Ananda (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

FREE event. This month, called "Vesak" in Buddhist Asia, gives us much to celebrate -- mothers (the Buddha had two), Mexico (Cinco de Mayo), and most of all Buddhist Xmas: the full moon day of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and passing into final nirvana. All three happened on the same full moon day in different years.

Washing the baby Buddha
We celebrate the Sage of the Scythians, Prince Siddhartha, with social time and heartfelt hugs then honor the Buddha, the Enlightened Teacher, in the way he said paid him the most respect -- actually practicing what he revealed.

Bring vegan snacks and drinks to share. Contact us for ideas. Think Cinco de Mayo fare and good drinks. RSVP:
Kombucha and vegan tacos with guacamole and spicy salsa

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