Monday, June 10, 2019

Catholic priests molested me. Now what?

Janet, Janet & Suggs (; Pfc. Sandoval, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
We nuns aren't a bunch of Mother Teresas at God's house. Many of us are molested, disgruntled spinsters with a sexual jones that can't be satisfied by prayer. Send us your kids.

"Crusader" for victims of sexual abuse

"The shame, embarrassment, feeling of low self-worth, and scores of 'labels' we give ourselves are not fitting. He was a big man, I was a little boy."
- Catholic clergy sex abuse survivor
The JJS Sexual Abuse Division is led by Richard M. Serbin, a crusader in the fight against sexual abuse by clergy and author of When Clergy Fail Their Flocks.

His work on behalf of victims has been featured in numerous national outlets, including The Daily Beast, the Philadelphia Inquirer, The Tribune-Democrat, and The Wall Street Journal.
Fifteen years before reports of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church circulated in newspapers around the world, before the public believed priests could do any wrong, Richard Serbin was fighting to expose the appalling actions of priests and church leaders.

We can't investigate ourselves! - Of course not, Holy Father. We hide child molesters.
For decades, these “men of God” concealed evidence and accounts of child molestation, pornography, abuse, and rape of innocent boys and girls in “secret archives.” Because of Serbin’s work, these archives have been brought to light.

He secured the only verdict against a child predator priest, his bishop, and the Diocese of Pennsylvania to date and one of only a handful nationwide at the time. More

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