Thursday, July 18, 2019

Killer cop free: Justice for Eric Garner!

Associated Propaganda (; Seth Auberon, Crystal Q., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

De Blasio beats back calls to fire officer in Garner death
Cop murders, gets away with it. Eric's dead.
NEW YORK - NY City Mayor Bill de Blasio beat back repeated calls Wednesday (7/17/19) for him to fire the murderer/police officer Daniel Pantaleo who used a fatal chokehold on Eric Garner on film five years ago, saying he was obligated to keep his opinions to himself until police department non-disciplinary proceedings are complete.

The Democrat, who is running for president partly on his record of police reform, said he felt "it was an injustice of the highest order," that the U.S. Justice Department investigated Garner's death for nearly five years before announcing Tuesday that no civil rights charges would be filed.

But de Blasio would not say whether he believes whether the officer involved in the death, Daniel Pantaleo, should lose his job. "I'm not going to venture personal opinions," de Blasio said. "When you're the steward of the entire city this is not about personal opinions."

Protesters marked the anniversary of Garner's death, five years ago Wednesday, with a demonstration in downtown Manhattan that drew several hundred people. Carrying signs saying, "I can't breathe," a reference to Garner's dying words, they chanted and marched past federal courthouses toward the Brooklyn Bridge. More

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