Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Secrets of the Past: Suppressed Texts (video)

Matthew LaCroix (; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

From the secrets of ancient history to the nature of reality and the ancient "gods" (Sumerian, Hebrew Hindu, Greek, Roman, etc.) of the past, no stone is left unturned in the endless pursuit of the truth with a goal to objectively study the evidence from history then formulate logical conclusions to help answer some of our most difficult questions. More

(C2C) LaCroix's new research correlates ancient and suppressed texts with evidence of tremendous lost civilizations and technologically advanced knowledge. He studys translations of texts such as
Mesopotamian Religion (
They give perspectives on just how civilization is and how "in many ways, the secrets [the ancients]...knew about the earth, the universe, and the nature of reality are far superior" to what we have now.

He concludes that the evidence is strong that advanced knowledge was given to the ancients by space beings or "gods [devas] from above" as Sumerian texts show.

The notion of "heaven" was adopted into biblical texts with "angels" and "demons," who may represent some of the warring ancient gods. After a great cataclysm, knowledge of past civilizations like the fabled Atlantis was lost. Atlantis itself was destroyed in stages by rising sea levels and volcanic and seismic activity.

Remnants of Atlantis in the New World, in the Americas among the Maya and others, was suppressed by Spain (an arm of the Holy Roman Empire) and texts were stolen and hidden away in the Vatican archives. Atlantean texts are what filled the Library of Alexandria, which the ancient Roman Empire destroyed.
  • "The Library dwindled during the Roman Period...Between 270 and 275 AD, the city of Alexandria saw a rebellion and an imperial counterattack that probably destroyed whatever remained of the Library..."
Modern excavations at the ancient stone site of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey (wiki)
Ancient megalithic sites like Gobekli Tepe have been dated at 11,600 years before the present.

Egypt's pharaonic dynasties inherited the pyramids from a far earlier culture, LaCroix shows. The pharaohs did not build the great pyramids.

Some of the ancient structures have converted to glass by heating of the quartz in the stone -- vitrification and scarring -- damage from extreme heat from blasts from great weapons and the sun during cataclysms.

"It seems that our earth goes through...cycles of destruction" during which dangerous solar outbursts lead to cataclysmic events like earthquakes, tsunamis, and pole shifts, LaCroix found.

The texts show that we live in a multiverse in which many versions of reality are layered on top of each other, and -- as the Buddha knew -- by our consciousness we can shift between them. More + AUDIO

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