Wednesday, July 17, 2019

"The Illusion of Us" - suppressed knowledge

Matthew LaCroix (amazon); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
The Illusion of Us (2nd ed.) takes us down the rabbit hole of knowledge to uncover the secrets behind consciousness and the intelligent design behind reality itself.

How did we become so lost and disconnected from the world and universe all around us? Perhaps the answer can be found by understanding our multi-dimensional consciousness and true identity.

Could humanity have complete amnesia of its past Golden Age [the Vedas' yugas or "ages"] due to cataclysms on earth, which wiped out most of the knowledge of lost time periods?

Plato wrote all about Atlantis.
The renowned Greek philosopher Plato left compelling evidence for this theory in both the Timaeus and Critias, linking the lost civilization of Atlantis and its destruction by stages.

It’s time to finally discover all that has been suppressed and that we have forgotten to piece together the incredible history that preceded us.

Were the "gods" of humankind simply myth, or are we missing an important piece of the puzzle that connects all the way back to the stars from the guarded writings of the Nag Hammadi Library to the cuneiform tablets of the Enuma Elish and Atra-Hasis?

The Illusion of Us connects the entire story and provides a way to free ourselves from the shackles of Darwin's Cave. The truth will set us free. More

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