Wednesday, July 17, 2019

John Lear's mind-blowing secrets (video)

John Lear via Miles Johnston, 4/12/19; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

John Lear in his Lair 2019: Bases 14 (Part 6)
Antarctica is not what we are told.
Nazi Adolf Hitler died at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in 1968, after escaping Nazi Germany by plane from Berlin to a monastery in Spain (Min. 27) then by U-boat to Tenerife and Argentina, to live out his life in Antarctica (underground bases called Neuschwabenland or "New Swabia," Germany) and South America. Project Paperclip, which brought Nazi scientists and top officials to work for the military-industrial complex and live in the USA, was far bigger than we have ever been told. Miles Johnston dropped by to see CIA insider and amazing whistleblower John Lear in his lair, while returning from UFO Mega Con 2019 in Laughlin, Nevada, where Lear appeared with Kerry Cassidy. This is part of the "Bases in America" series. Much of this is shocking with secrets of the universe being revealed as well:
  • God? Big Bang? Creation?
  • Many worlds in our solar system
  • Many civilizations in our solar system
  • ET overlords going among worlds
  • Allegorical mythologies as religion...
Please refer to Nexus Magazine and for details on the appalling failure of the Saturn V. Also for balance see The Moore Show, which is castigating Cpt. Mark Richards and attacking Project Camelot and Miles Johnston.

New Schwabenland, Nazi Germany in Antarctica, map of territory (wiki)

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