Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Trip to the Deep South (video)

Stephen Fry in America (BBC); Ellie Askew, Crystal Q., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Cut to the chase for a summary of the Deep South: reincarnation of sex-deprived horses in Kentucky as equine slavery lives on. Then a man shows his ass-tattoo of Kentucky. KFC, anyone?

The Deep South
Stephen Fry in America is a six-part BBC TV series in which Mr. Fry travels across the USA, a country in which he was almost born. Just before he was born, his father was offered a job at Princeton U, NJ. But his daddy chose to turn it down in favor of Hampstead, England. In the series Fry travels, mostly in a London cab, through all 50 U.S. states. In Episode 02, it's the Deep South. There Fry tries to find out what makes the South as distinctive as everyone says it is from its Civil War manners to present-day weirdness.

South moves to Illinois: Juggalo Gathering

"It's a 'Southern' thing; y'all wouldn't understand." Southern is culturally-derived. It's born of the South. It has moved across the U.S. Fuse takes us South-adjacent into a "Gathering of the Juggalos" in neighboring Illinois, where two clowns created a movement of misfits that keep it real. They try to represent real life, not the glossy tourist postcard version of reality we see presented on television. Drugs, anyone? Let's go. "Inside the Gathering of the Juggalos" takes a look back at all the music and mayhem of Insane Clown Posse's annual festival at Cave-in-Rock, Illinois.

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