Friday, July 19, 2019

Vast child sex trafficking ring found (video)

Red Ice TV, July 9, 2019; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Adam Green from Know More News ( joins Red Ice TV talk about Jeffrey Epstein and the large network of U.S. government/establishment figures who are connected to the convicted child molester and child sex trafficker. Covered are the groomers like Epstein's socialite girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell and their part in the cover-up. "High-profile lawyer" pro-Zionist Alan Dershowitz, OJ Simpson's lawyer, is also implicated as having participated in sex acts with children on Orgy Island after flying the Lolita Express. Discussion of the activities at Epstein's private island in the Virgin Island, the strange "temple," and rumors about underground facilities are explored. Green goes into the strange connections to Israel's sex slavery rings and the religion [Judaism?] that might underpin this entire case. Listen to testimony from one of the most outspoken underage victims, Virginia Roberts. Towards the end there is talk about the strange case of Isaac Kappy and the things he talked about connected to Jeffrey Epstein. This is important coverage with a lot of material not heard from mainstream media outlets.

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