Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bhikkhu Bodhi study retreat 8/30-9/3 (video)

Bhikkhu Bodhi (; Dhr. Seven, Sayalay Aloka, Bhante (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Abhidharma Study Retreat with Bhikkhu Bodhi: "Exploring Dependent Origination"
(Chaung Yen Monastery, Upstate NY, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2019)
Each year since 2013 Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi has been holding a Labor Day Weekend Retreat on the Abhidharma ("Ultimate Doctrine" or "Higher Teachings"), the Buddhist philosophical psychology [and physics].

At this year’s Abhidhamma retreat Ven. Bodhi will be exploring the Buddha’s teaching of dependent origination (paticca samuppada), the existential principle that all things (except for nirvana) arise dependent on conditions.

Dependent origination specifically traces the chain of conditions that leads to suffering and binds us to samsara, the cycle of repeated birth and death, thereby revealing what we must do to attain liberation.

At the retreat the venerable will be discussing dependent origination from two complementary points of view -- the perspective of the sutras and the more technical Abhidhamma perspective.

We will first examine a selection of sutras from the Nidana Samyutta, the “Connected Discourses on the Chain of Conditions.”

Thereafter, we will explore the 24 conditions that the Abhidhamma system applies to its analysis of dependent origination.

This part of the retreat, based on The Path of Purification (Visuddhimagga), Chapter 17, will give us a detailed understanding of this central Buddhist principle.

2020, Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512, (845) 225-1819, (845) 228-4283

It is recommended that students obtain copies of A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma and The Path of Purification. FREE versions of both books are available by clicking on titles. Paper copies may be purchased from (CMA, PoP).

A selection of relevant sutras will be sent out. Those who wish to explore the subject in detail should study Chapter 17 of The Path of Purification and the first part of Chapter 8 of the Manual of Abhidhamma.

But if they appear too difficult to study, despair not. Bhikkhu Bodhi ("Bhante") will be treating them in a clear and comprehensible manner.
The retreat begins on Friday evening, Aug. 30, 2019. It continues through 11:00 am on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. It includes lectures and discussion periods, question-and-answer sessions, and five periods of meditation each day. Prior attendance at earlier retreats is not required to register for this retreat. The retreat schedule and syllabus are posted. More + Register

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